HARLEY mitigates user bias and facilitates efficient quantification and co-localization analyses of foci in yeast fluorescence images

Aug. 12, 2022

Shabanov, I. & Buchan, J. R.

Scientific Reports.

The Buchan lab published a new paper describing HARLEY, a new open source microscopy analysis software. The paper illustrates how much variability there is in quantifying yeast stress granules, both between users and even by the same user scoring the same dataset. It outlines the development and description of the software to accurately and reproducibly quantify yeast stress granules (and other foci) aided by a user-trained model. HARLEY runs in the chrome browser and is easy and intuitive to learn – you can download it freely, and access various training datasets and documents at https://github.com/lnilya/harley

Link to paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-16381-2